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"Babies hearing processing or hearing is actually the most important sense they have in the first two years of life, the sense that gathers the most information about their world," said Dr. Collins, an associate music researcher. mind and well-being at the University of Melbourne, Australia, and the author of The Lullaby Effect.Babies fall asleep faster with a background sound, or so-called white noise.The most obvious benefit of white noise for babies is that it helps them fall asleep. If you notice that your baby is prone to falling asleep at noisy times, outside of normal sleeping or sleeping hours, he may respond positively to the white noise.Your baby may be used to being surrounded by noise, so a completely quiet environment may have the opposite effect when it comes time to go to sleep. The application "Easy sleep, baby!" Doing exactly this gives young children a musical background, or story, according to their age that will help them fall asleep peacefully, and why not? faster